What To Do During Martial Law: 5 Things to Do No One Knows About

During martial law, follow these 5 crucial martial law survival tips: 1) Understand how it could personally affect your civil liberties, 2) Audit emergency preparedness strategies for sustained restrictions, 3) Assess your situation/location/bug-out options, 4) Stay informed on the evolving situation and legal advice, 5) Keep a low profile to stay safe in a state of emergency.

1) Understand How Martial Law Could Affect Your Civil Liberties Personally

One of the most important things to do during martial law is to thoroughly understand how it could directly impact your personal life and civil liberties. Martial law grants increased authority to military and law enforcement to maintain order, often leading to restrictions on citizen rights.

Take time to research the specific martial law policies and rules in your area. How might they limit your movement, communications, ability to work, access to supplies, etc.? Having this clear picture allows you to plan accordingly.

Be prepared for potential scenarios like:

Potential RestrictionImplications
CurfewsBeing prevented from being out past certain hours
Travel LimitationsCivilian travel and transportation restricted
Communication MonitoringPhones, internet, media subject to censorship
Assembly BansPublic gatherings not permitted
Increased CheckpointsMore security checkpoints and questioning

By grasping how martial law measures could disrupt your day-to-day life, you can make more informed decisions about your actions and contingency plans.

2) Audit Emergency Preparedness Strategies for Sustained Periods of Restriction

With the elevated security and potential disruptions to supply chains during martial law, it’s crucial to audit your stockpile of essential supplies as part of your emergency preparedness strategies. You want sufficient provisions to sustain your household for an extended period with limited outside access.

Conduct a full inventory of your food, water, medical supplies, hygiene products, fuel sources, and other necessities. Identify any shortfalls and immediately work to build up your reserves.

Additionally, ensure you have adequate supplies for any special needs members of your household, such as elderly, infants, or those requiring medical devices/medications.

Some key supplies to stock up on include:

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Supply CategoryExample Items
FoodNon-perishable foods, nutrition bars
WaterBottles, filters, purification tablets
MedicalFirst aid, medications, medical devices
HygieneToilet paper, feminine products, soap
PowerGenerators, solar panels, batteries
Self-DefensePermitted self-defense tools

Having ample provisions allows you to minimize exposure and travel during periods of heightened restrictions under martial law.

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3) Assess Your Situation Regarding Location, Family, and Bug-Out Options

Take into account the specifics of your current living situation and how it could be impacted during an imposition of martial law. Factors like your geographic location, living arrangements, proximity to family members, and availability of bug-out options should be carefully evaluated.

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If you reside in an urban area, consider potential challenges like population density, ability to quietly travel if needed, access to open spaces, etc. Rural families may have different considerations for securing remote properties.

Map out locations of close friends or family members, determining if temporarily unifying households could be a wise option for pooling resources and community support initiatives.

Identify possible bug-out locations and routes that could be utilized in an emergency exit scenario if the situation at your primary residence becomes untenable. Ensure you have the supplies and plans in place to safely relocate on short notice if required.

Living SituationConsiderations
Urban AreaPopulation density, travel ability, open spaces
Rural AreaSecuring remote properties, resource availability
Near FamilyUnifying households for combined resources
Remote LocationIdentifying bug-out options and routes

By comprehensively assessing your unique circumstances, you can make more informed decisions about sheltering-in-place versus needing to relocate to stay safe in a state of emergency.

4) Stay Informed About the Evolving Situation and Legal Landscape

During periods of martial law, the situation can remain fluid with circumstances rapidly evolving. It’s vital to stay vigilantly informed through reliable information sources to adapt your preparedness plan as needed.

Continuously monitor official government sources, emergency broadcasts, respected domestic and international news outlets for important legal advice and updates. Be wary of misinformation circulating on social media.

Pay close attention to any changes in:

  • Imposed curfew times and areas
  • Amendments to legal policies and citizen rights
  • Checkpoints, roadblocks or off-limit zones
  • Exemptions for travel related to jobs, healthcare, etc.
  • Safety conditions and areas of heightened violence/risk

Maintain a record of the information flowing from these trusted sources. This situational awareness allows you to make informed choices to keep your family safe and compliant with all legal orders from authorities.

5) Adopt a Low-Profile Attitude to Stay Safe in a State of Emergency

When martial law measures are in effect, it’s wise to minimize any actions or behaviors that could draw unwanted attention or potential confrontation with military and law enforcement.

Remain calm, courteous and compliant when encountering authorities. Follow all legal orders and don’t offer resistance, even if you disagree. Heated debates or physical conflicts will only increase risk to your safety.

Avoid traveling, making acquisitions, or carrying out activities that could be perceived as threatening or uncooperative. Something as simple as stocking up on gasoline could attract unneeded scrutiny.

Reduce your external visibility and profile as much as possible:

Low Profile ActionAction Steps
Obey CurfewsStay off the streets during curfew hours
Limit TravelOnly go out when absolutely necessary
Avoid Noisy ProjectsPostpone home repairs, construction, etc.
Careful CommunicationBe cautious discussing situation publicly

The core principle is keeping a low profile and not drawing any extra attention, challenge or suspicion to yourself and your household. This prudent approach can prevent minor misunderstandings that could unnecessarily escalate during the societal turmoil of martial law.


By understanding the personal impacts to your civil liberties, adequately preparing emergency preparedness strategies, evaluating your specific circumstances, staying informed on the legal landscape, and maintaining a low profile to stay safe, you significantly increase your readiness during periods of martial law. The key is careful planning, situational awareness, and avoiding actions that could provoke unnecessary scrutiny or conflict with authorities enforcing legal orders. Remain resilient through community initiatives, but compliant, and you’ll be better positioned to endure until the emergency measures are lifted.

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