12 Clever Ways to Hide Your Survival Garden

In a survival situation, having a well-camouflaged food production system can protect your vital garden from threats like thieves, vandals, or even the authorities.

Here are 12 ingenious ways to hide your survival garden and keep it safely under the radar.

Why You Might Need to Hide a Survival Garden

Potential emergencies like economic collapse, war, or widespread chaos could make growing your own food crucial for survival.

However, an obvious survival garden may attract unwanted attention and put your food supply at risk.

Potential Threats and Risks

  • Thieves looking to take your crops
  • Vandals who might damage your garden
  • Authorities enforcing rationing or seizing food supplies
  • Desperate individuals seeking resources

Benefits of Camouflaging Your Garden

  • Protects your vital food source
  • Deters threats and looters
  • Maintains a low profile
  • Allows gardening in restricted areas

Use Ornamental Plants as Camouflage

Blending edible crops with decorative plants is an excellent way to disguise a survival garden as an attractive ornamental landscape.

  • Interplant vegetables with flowers, shrubs, and other ornamentals
  • Use edible flowers like nasturtiums, calendulas, and violas
  • Plant crops like lettuce, kale, and herbs among decorative plants
  • Design the layout to appear intentionally landscaped

Interplanting Edibles and Ornamentals

Vegetable CropPotential Ornamental Companions
TomatoesPetunias, Marigolds
BeansSunflowers, Cosmos
SquashOrnamental Grasses, Zinnias
LettucePansies, Alyssum

Create an Attractive Landscape

  • Use decorative borders, pathways, and raised beds
  • Add ornamental touches like trellises, arbors, and water features
  • Mix in flowering perennials and shrubs
  • Disguise utilitarian areas with vines and screens

Disguise Garden Beds

Garden beds and growing areas can give away the purpose of your space. Use camouflage tactics to help them blend into the landscape.

See also  20 Best Vegetables for Container Gardening

Raised Bed Camouflage

  • Build raised beds with rustic materials like logs or stones
  • Add decorative latticework or grow vines up the sides
  • Intermix raised beds with traditional landscape plantings
  • Top beds with bark mulch or gravel for a natural look

Sunken Beds and Trenches

  • Dig out shallow, trough-like planting areas
  • Surround with flowers, shrubs, or groundcovers
  • Drape camouflage netting overtop if needed
  • More discreet but requires more work

Create a Garden Maze

  • Design winding, maze-like pathways through garden areas
  • Use hedges, fences, walls to section off areas
  • Curve beds and borders to obscure straight lines
  • Add arbors, gates, and decorative features

Go Vertical

Maximize space while hiding crops by using vertical growing methods like trellises and caging.

  • Grow vining crops like beans, peas, cucumbers, and squash up trellises
  • Use caging for tomatoes, peppers, and bramble fruits
  • Incorporate living willow tunnels or fedges
  • Install decorative obelisks for flowering vines like morning glories

See this article for the best plants for vertical gardening.

Trellis and Caging Systems

  • A-frame trellises for vining crops
  • Teepee-style tuteurs
  • Cattle panel caging
  • Single stem stakes and cages

Grow Up Walls and Fences

  • Train plants to grow along walls, fences, or arbors
  • Conserves ground space
  • Provides screening and camouflage
  • Use climbing plants like grapes, passionfruit, kiwi

Hide Gardens in Discreet Locations

Secluded, out-of-the-way spots can provide excellent camouflage for covert survival gardens.

Forest Gardens

  • Clear areas within woodlands or forests
  • Use fallen logs and branches for raised beds
  • Incorporate edibles under the canopy
  • Access paths can be disguised

Behind Outbuildings

  • Gardens hidden behind barns, sheds, garages
  • Can block view from roads or houses
  • Build trellis/caging systems along walls
  • Add screening vines, hedges, fences

Disguise With Fencing

  • Tall fences or hedges provide privacy screening
  • Natural materials like woven branches or bamboo
  • Incorporate gates, arbors, archways
  • Plant vines and climbers along fences
See also  20 Stunning Greenhouse Ideas to Transform Your Home Garden

Plant Leaf Crops as Ground Cover

Leafy greens and edible ground cover plants can help conceal garden beds and paths.

Benefits of Leaf Crops

  • Low-growing, spreading habit
  • Helps suppress weeds
  • Provides edible yields
  • Many varieties can self-sow

Good Leaf Crop Options

  • Lettuce, spinach, arugula
  • Endives, escaroles, radicchios
  • Mustard greens, collard greens
  • Purslane, miner’s lettuce
  • Low-growing herbs like thyme

Camouflage Greenhouses and Cold Frames

Greenhouses and cold frames can stick out in the landscape, drawing unwanted eyes. Take steps to disguise these structures.

Hide Structures with Landscaping

  • Build greenhouses into hillsides or berms
  • Surround with trees, tall shrubs, or hedges
  • Grow vines up sides and over tops
  • Paint to blend into surroundings

Use Natural Building Materials

  • Stone, wood, bamboo construction
  • Willow, woven branch, or living walls
  • Earthbags or earth-sheltered designs
  • Gives a more rustic, natural appearance

Plant Edible Landscaping

Blend your survival garden by incorporating edible trees, shrubs, and perennials into your overall landscape design.

For more on edible landscaping tips, see this article.

Fruit and Nut Trees

  • Apple, pear, plum, cherry
  • Pecan, walnut, chestnut
  • Persimmon, pawpaw
  • Citrus (in warm climates)

Berry Bushes and Brambles

  • Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
  • Currants, gooseberries, elderberries
  • Beauty berry, buffalo berry

Herbaceous Edible Ornamentals

  • Rhubarb, sorrel, chives
  • Daylilies, hostas, violets
  • Borage, bee balm, fennel
  • Society garlic, wild ginger

Companion Planting for Disguise

Combine edible crops with non-edible plants that can help hide or protect your survival garden.

Trap Crops and Decoys

  • Plant sacrificial crops to lure pests away
  • Use strong-smelling plants as decoys
  • Examples: radishes, mustards, marigolds

Beneficial Companions

  • Companion plants attract beneficial insects
  • Some repel pests or improve growth
  • Examples: borage, calendula, alyssum

See this guide on plants that repel pests naturally.

See also  12 Nutritious Herbs You Can Grow in Water

Hide Tools and Supplies

Keep gardening gear and supplies out of sight to avoid giving away your survival garden’s location.

Discreet Tool Sheds

  • Well-camouflaged garden sheds
  • Bury storage containers underground
  • Hide tools under brush piles or tarps

Blend Into the Landscape

  • Use rustic, natural-looking materials
  • Paint sheds earth tones
  • Grow vines up siding
  • Border with shrubs or trees

Be a Stealthy Gardener

Your actions can give away the presence of a survival garden. Stay covert with these stealthy gardening techniques.

Maintain Camouflage

  • Keep areas naturalized and overgrown
  • Don’t leave signs of cultivation
  • Make sure nothing stands out
  • Practice good opsec

Night Gardening

  • Handle garden chores at night
  • Install motion sensor lighting
  • Be very cautious with any lighting
  • Listen for potential intruders

Additional Camouflage Tips

A few more clever tricks to help your survival garden stay under the radar:

Stagger Plantings

  • Avoid planting all crops at once for a more natural look
  • Stagger plantings every few weeks
  • Extends harvest season and camouflage
  • See tips on speedy survival gardening

Mix Crop Varieties

Other Clever Techniques

  • Install Scarecrows or Decoys
    • Can deter birds/animals
    • Also hides human activity
  • Use Camouflage Netting
    • Drape over growing areas
    • Break up straight lines/shapes
  • Sprinkler Systems
  • Scatter “Lures”
    • Plant extras away from main crops
    • Sacrificial plants for pests/threats

In an emergency survival scenario, disguising your food production will be crucial for security and safety. With some creative camouflage tactics, you can hide your vital survival garden right in plain sight. The key is blending edible plants seamlessly into ornamental landscapes or secluded naturalized areas using vertical growing, decoys, staggered plantings, and more. Always prioritize operational security and a low profile. A well-disguised resilient garden could make all the difference.

If you want to start smaller or have limited space, check out guides on container gardening, apartment gardening, and bucket gardening. You can still produce a lot of food discreetly!

For the full crop of essential survival plants and highest calorie foods to prioritize, see these detailed guides. Having a camouflaged, productive garden could be the difference between thriving and just surviving.

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