
This page will help you fast track through our biggest ‘big ideas’ and most useful insights so you can become a confident prepper, ready to handle common emergencies.

Like the thousands of beginners we’ve helped over the years to start their prepping journey.


With hundreds of blog posts published and nearly all the videos on our YouTube channel, you don’t have time to watch/read everything.

Here, you’ll get the ‘big picture’ overview in one page and direct links to the free deeper dive trainings, too.

Let’s start with the goal:

To help you feel safe and prepared in any situation.

The ‘math’ behind this is really quite simple…

When your knowledge and preparedness are greater than your fears, you’re free!

You’re free to handle emergencies with confidence… Ensure the safety of your loved ones… And live without the constant worry of being unprepared!

And, thanks to our proven methods…

Anyone can start their prepping journey and feel ready for whatever comes their way.

Content Breakdown

The 1%ers who keep going and persevere long enough are able to turn their initial efforts into full confidence and preparedness.


Folks like us achieve preparedness through:

  • Basic Prepping Knowledge (Our Free Introductory Course)
  • Essential Supplies (Our Beginner’s Checklist)
  • Community Support (Our Forum)

And all of these are highly actionable.

Let’s Achieve Your Preparedness

Achieving preparedness requires you to take actionable steps…

For example, a first responder knows exactly what to do in an emergency situation.

That’s a very active form of preparedness that you can achieve.

Those of us who start prepping build habits and gather resources that help us stay prepared 24/7 through simple steps we take.

  • Courses (Our Free Introductory Course)
  • Checklists (Our Beginner’s Checklist)
  • Community (Our Forum)

These are our main 3 above… But there are others!

  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Expert Advice

Here’s the main point:

It’s never been easier to start prepping and ensure your safety 24/7 on autopilot!

And the opportunity to become prepared continues to grow every year!

So how do you automate your preparedness?

The key is following a plan that takes you step-by-step through the process.

What This Is Not

First off, this is not a sales letter.

I’m not writing this with the intention of selling you some expensive course or high-ticket coaching or any of that BS.

I’m not one of those greedy gurus who need to extract maximum value from you to finance some over-inflated flashy lifestyle.

I don’t need your money…

I’m already living my best life.

My preparedness is drastically higher than my initial fears.

I’m here to share the truth.

Secondly, this is not about becoming a survival expert overnight.

Building confidence and preparedness through simple steps takes a long-term commitment of time and energy.

It’s possible to begin everything with less than $100 like many of our members did, years ago.

It’s also possible to buy pre-made emergency kits that are ready to go.

You may get a head start with a pre-made kit, but building real preparedness that can ensure your safety… And then automating your readiness… Usually takes 3 to 5 years.

It took me a decade.

But I had to learn this all the long way on the trial-and-error path.

Do you think I care that I spent 10 years creating complete peace of mind in my 30’s?

Not one bit.

I’m patient af for goals as worthy as this one.


Great… Here’s what you will learn…

The proven path that I’ve used time and time, again to build confidence and preparedness…

The Proven Path

Next step…

Watch this video for the big picture:

Your Audience

First off, you need to choose an audience of people who are new to prepping and then commit to being the most helpful person in their corner of the web-o-sphere.

From urban dwellers and suburban families to rural homesteaders and outdoor enthusiasts.

They’re all audiences filled with people who are actively searching for ways to improve their preparedness.

And there are 1,000,001+ audiences in our world.

Most people think of this as the ‘choose your niche’ phase.

My free “how to choose a niche” training videos are Free on YouTube, here.

Over 121,867 people have gone through that training!

Earlier this year, I did create an updated niche training video that teaches how to find a profitable niche in 1 hour, guaranteed.

Because most people take way too long on this step!

It’s $9.

And, if you go through the process and don’t find a niche you love…

I’m happy to give you your $9 back.

Either way…

Stay focused on the people. “Who am I committed to helping?” and “What am I committed to helping them with?”


There are generally two reasons why people stall when it comes to choosing their niche.

Both are just expressions of the fear of failure…

Here’s what the ego says:


“I’m not an expert at anything”

(If you feel this way, go watch this video now!)


If you have imposter syndrome keeping you from unlocking your inner creator…

Watch this video.

Do whatever you have to and get into motion, FAST!

That’s the real key.

You see, with one hour of study every day for 1 year, you could become an expert in just about any subject matter.

If you’re worried about ‘too much competition or if you feel like the mega-influencers are already doing what you want to do, it’s ok.

This video explains the market saturation myth which reveals how you can achieve success in any niche starting today.

Again, the key is getting into motion.

Most get stuck in an infinite loop of studying, overthinking everything, studying more, overthinking stuff again and then reading some greedy guru emails or watching a webinar when they feel disheartened.

The fear of failure is so strong most never start.

If you want to learn the secret to eliminating the fear of failure, watch this video.

Do whatever you have to do in order to get into motion!

But, once you get into motion, you start building the most important asset of all.


Preparedness is a skill. Jump in, start and build skills with your ‘best guess’ niche for now…

This is the ‘paying your dues’ phase where everything feels awkward and confusing.

Everything gets easier as you get more experience.

Prepping, Planning, Organizing…

Everything gets easier as you get more experience!

I had 13 failed attempts (many were extremely half-assed) before really figuring out this preparedness game.

I reveal them all in the ‘Fire, Ready, Aim’ video here.

But I built skills and got my first hands-on learning from those 13 projects.

  • Survival Skills
  • Emergency Planning Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Resource Management Skills
  • Etc.

When you mix your hands-on experience with the free tutorials on my YouTube channel and here on the blog (that you’ll get walked through in order, next)…

You’ll find that the tools are really quite easy to use.

Sticking with it for the long run turns out to be the true ‘secret to success’

The trick is sticking with 1 blog, 1 audience and 1 strategy long enough to achieve escape velocity in your preparedness.

Then, once you’ve got 1 plan in place, you can stack on another later and build a portfolio. Or, you can double down on that one plan through additional resources and training to scale your preparedness into a comprehensive lifestyle.

The key is to systematize the entire process so you know exactly where you need to focus, at all times.

I’ve broken it down to the 3 systems you must build to create dependable preparedness:

  • The Knowledge System
  • The Supplies System
  • The Support System

Introducing The KSS Systems

Next up, watch this video to learn how the KSS systems work together to ensure your preparedness:

System #1 – Your Knowledge System


As you focus on the first system which is your knowledge system you have a decision to make.

Are you going to use your time and energy to grow your knowledge? Or

Are you going to use money through paid courses to grow your knowledge?

If you have more time than money, our free resources are the best way to gain knowledge without a big investment.

I cover the entire knowledge acquisition strategy in depth, here.

The TL;DR is this:

  • Choose your main learning platform – Starting with our free courses is my #1 recommendation. Growing through our YouTube channel is my #2 recommendation. These are the only options because they are the only ones that drive you to take action based on real knowledge.
  • Figure out what information your audience is searching for through our research methods.
  • Outline, study, and apply the knowledge you gain. You’ll learn how to apply this knowledge fast, here.
  • Challenge yourself to a 30-day learning challenge! Can you learn something new every day for 30 consecutive days? If you can, you’ll get through the learning curve faster than ever. Plus, you’ll get through the ‘sucking at it’ phase and you’ll feel more confident as a prepper!

If you have more money than time, paid courses are the way.

I still recommend new learners start with our introductory course. Here’s my Free ‘How To Start Prepping” video

System #2 – Your Supplies System

This is your supplies acquisition system and strategy.

Surely you’ve heard the saying: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

I can confirm this is very true.

Once you’ve gathered the essential supplies…

Ensuring your preparedness is as easy as following our checklist.

Whether it’s basic supplies or advanced gear, it doesn’t matter.

In my prepping journey, 80% of my confidence comes from having the right supplies.

Now, I’ve got my free supplies checklist on YouTube here.


It can be very difficult to start gathering supplies if you’ve never done it before.

There are so many people who have small kits that could be much more effective if they simply followed a better plan.

But what do you need?

This is where our beginner’s checklist comes in very handy.

Using a “check off” style you are able to start gathering supplies that can ensure your preparedness while you get comfortable with the process.

Gathering supplies is the million-dollar skill.

System #3 – Support System

The simplest option here is to join our community.

Our community forum allows you to connect with others and you’ll get a wealth of knowledge and support you generate. Once your involvement grows and you’ve got enough connections, you can upgrade to more advanced groups and often you’ll get even more personalized advice for the same effort.

Additionally, you can get support through our workshops and webinars.

Simply find the sessions that your audience is interested in and join our scheduled events.

You get a unique opportunity to ask questions and get answers that track the progress you send.

You earn confidence for all the support you receive.

The tech is simple.

I go into more detail in my community engagement crash course (which is free), here.

Generally, you want to have consistent interaction with our community before reaching out for personal advice.

It’s important to take time to participate and actually engage with others before you start to engage with the community leaders.

You want to be seen as an active participant…

Not one of the gazillion lurkers who just take without contributing.

If you get good in the community, you can also add valuable insights as an additional stream of confidence.

The best form of support, however, comes when you decide to help others! You earn respect and trust from sharing your knowledge and things like personal stories, advice, or even organizing meetups can be highly rewarding.

This is the path if you’re wanting to grow your network using our community resources.

I lay out my process for community engagement here.

In addition to participating in the community, you gotta engage too!

And engaging is the most important part when it comes to your confidence…

This is why I created the free community engagement guide and template you can get here.

Time To Build

Well, you made it through the KSS approach to becoming a confident prepper…

Well done.

You now have a greater understanding about how prepping works than 95% of people in our world.

The fact that you are reading this means you have the technology and Internet connection required.

The big question…

Are you willing to commit to an audience to be the most helpful person in their world for the next 3 to 5 years?

For most people, this is too big of a commitment…

Many readers are going to dismiss this free blog post and they’ll go hunting for “an easier way”


Those folks will end up wasting their hard-earned money on webinars from the greedy gurus promising some sort of shortcut or easy button method to “preparedness”

The truth?

There is only one way to become prepared that actually works.

If you only watch 1 video on this page, be sure it is this one, here:

Final Call to Action

I promised you the truth.

And there you have it.

Now, go forth…

Commit to your preparedness and take actionable steps. If you need help starting, go here.

If you know your niche and your needs, it’s time to build.

The first step is to sign up for our free introductory course and get your beginner’s checklist.

Then grow your confidence by participating in our community and learning from others. The process for becoming prepared is simple.

The real challenge is persevering through the learning curve and the ‘sucking at it’ phase long enough to have a library of knowledge and supplies that ensure your safety.

To do this, you need to be a master of the craft… Executing relentlessly with the intention to improve with every step you take.

This is a mindset game…

And, to help you win at the mindset game, check out this podcast episode, next:

Mark “The Most Helpful Prepper” Goering


This page will help you fast track through our biggest ‘big ideas’ and most useful insights so you can become a confident prepper, ready to handle common emergencies.

Like the thousands of beginners we’ve helped over the years to start their prepping journey.


With hundreds of blog posts published and nearly all the videos on our YouTube channel, you don’t have time to watch/read everything.

Here, you’ll get the ‘big picture’ overview in one page and direct links to the free deeper dive trainings, too.

Let’s start with the goal:

To help you feel safe and prepared in any situation.

The ‘math’ behind this is really quite simple…

When your knowledge and preparedness are greater than your fears, you’re free!

You’re free to handle emergencies with confidence… Ensure the safety of your loved ones… And live without the constant worry of being unprepared!

And, thanks to our proven methods…

Anyone can start their prepping journey and feel ready for whatever comes their way.

Content Breakdown

The 1%ers who keep going and persevere long enough are able to turn their initial efforts into full confidence and preparedness.


Folks like us achieve preparedness through:

  • Basic Prepping Knowledge (Our Free Introductory Course)
  • Essential Supplies (Our Beginner’s Checklist)
  • Community Support (Our Forum)

And all of these are highly actionable.

Let’s Achieve Your Preparedness

Achieving preparedness requires you to take actionable steps…

For example, a first responder knows exactly what to do in an emergency situation.

That’s a very active form of preparedness that you can achieve.

Those of us who start prepping build habits and gather resources that help us stay prepared 24/7 through simple steps we take.

  • Courses (Our Free Introductory Course)
  • Checklists (Our Beginner’s Checklist)
  • Community (Our Forum)

These are our main 3 above… But there are others!

  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Expert Advice

Here’s the main point:

It’s never been easier to start prepping and ensure your safety 24/7 on autopilot!

And the opportunity to become prepared continues to grow every year!

So how do you automate your preparedness?

The key is following a plan that takes you step-by-step through the process.

What This Is Not

First off, this is not a sales letter.

I’m not writing this with the intention of selling you some expensive course or high-ticket coaching or any of that BS.

I’m not one of those greedy gurus who need to extract maximum value from you to finance some over-inflated flashy lifestyle.

I don’t need your money…

I’m already living my best life.

My preparedness is drastically higher than my initial fears.

I’m here to share the truth.

Secondly, this is not about becoming a survival expert overnight.

Building confidence and preparedness through simple steps takes a long-term commitment of time and energy.

It’s possible to begin everything with less than $100 like many of our members did, years ago.

It’s also possible to buy pre-made emergency kits that are ready to go.

You may get a head start with a pre-made kit, but building real preparedness that can ensure your safety… And then automating your readiness… Usually takes 3 to 5 years.

It took me a decade.

But I had to learn this all the long way on the trial-and-error path.

Do you think I care that I spent 10 years creating complete peace of mind in my 30’s?

Not one bit.

I’m patient af for goals as worthy as this one.


Great… Here’s what you will learn…

The proven path that I’ve used time and time, again to build confidence and preparedness…

The Proven Path

Next step…

Watch this video for the big picture:

Your Audience

First off, you need to choose an audience of people who are new to prepping and then commit to being the most helpful person in their corner of the web-o-sphere.

From urban dwellers and suburban families to rural homesteaders and outdoor enthusiasts.

They’re all audiences filled with people who are actively searching for ways to improve their preparedness.

And there are 1,000,001+ audiences in our world.

Most people think of this as the ‘choose your niche’ phase.

My free “how to choose a niche” training videos are Free on YouTube, here.

Over 121,867 people have gone through that training!

Earlier this year, I did create an updated niche training video that teaches how to find a profitable niche in 1 hour, guaranteed.

Because most people take way too long on this step!

It’s $9.

And, if you go through the process and don’t find a niche you love…

I’m happy to give you your $9 back.

Either way…

Stay focused on the people. “Who am I committed to helping?” and “What am I committed to helping them with?”


There are generally two reasons why people stall when it comes to choosing their niche.

Both are just expressions of the fear of failure…

Here’s what the ego says:


“I’m not an expert at anything”

(If you feel this way, go watch this video now!)


If you have imposter syndrome keeping you from unlocking your inner creator…

Watch this video.

Do whatever you have to and get into motion, FAST!

That’s the real key.

You see, with one hour of study every day for 1 year, you could become an expert in just about any subject matter.

If you’re worried about ‘too much competition or if you feel like the mega-influencers are already doing what you want to do, it’s ok.

This video explains the market saturation myth which reveals how you can achieve success in any niche starting today.

Again, the key is getting into motion.

Most get stuck in an infinite loop of studying, overthinking everything, studying more, overthinking stuff again and then reading some greedy guru emails or watching a webinar when they feel disheartened.

The fear of failure is so strong most never start.

If you want to learn the secret to eliminating the fear of failure, watch this video.

Do whatever you have to do in order to get into motion!

But, once you get into motion, you start building the most important asset of all.


Preparedness is a skill. Jump in, start and build skills with your ‘best guess’ niche for now…

This is the ‘paying your dues’ phase where everything feels awkward and confusing.

Everything gets easier as you get more experience.

Prepping, Planning, Organizing…

Everything gets easier as you get more experience!

I had 13 failed attempts (many were extremely half-assed) before really figuring out this preparedness game.

I reveal them all in the ‘Fire, Ready, Aim’ video here.

But I built skills and got my first hands-on learning from those 13 projects.

  • Survival Skills
  • Emergency Planning Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Resource Management Skills
  • Etc.

When you mix your hands-on experience with the free tutorials on my YouTube channel and here on the blog (that you’ll get walked through in order, next)…

You’ll find that the tools are really quite easy to use.

Sticking with it for the long run turns out to be the true ‘secret to success’

The trick is sticking with 1 blog, 1 audience and 1 strategy long enough to achieve escape velocity in your preparedness.

Then, once you’ve got 1 plan in place, you can stack on another later and build a portfolio. Or, you can double down on that one plan through additional resources and training to scale your preparedness into a comprehensive lifestyle.

The key is to systematize the entire process so you know exactly where you need to focus, at all times.

I’ve broken it down to the 3 systems you must build to create dependable preparedness:

  • The Knowledge System
  • The Supplies System
  • The Support System

Introducing The KSS Systems

Next up, watch this video to learn how the KSS systems work together to ensure your preparedness:

System #1 – Your Knowledge System


As you focus on the first system which is your knowledge system you have a decision to make.

Are you going to use your time and energy to grow your knowledge? Or

Are you going to use money through paid courses to grow your knowledge?

If you have more time than money, our free resources are the best way to gain knowledge without a big investment.

I cover the entire knowledge acquisition strategy in depth, here.

The TL;DR is this:

  • Choose your main learning platform – Starting with our free courses is my #1 recommendation. Growing through our YouTube channel is my #2 recommendation. These are the only options because they are the only ones that drive you to take action based on real knowledge.
  • Figure out what information your audience is searching for through our research methods.
  • Outline, study, and apply the knowledge you gain. You’ll learn how to apply this knowledge fast, here.
  • Challenge yourself to a 30-day learning challenge! Can you learn something new every day for 30 consecutive days? If you can, you’ll get through the learning curve faster than ever. Plus, you’ll get through the ‘sucking at it’ phase and you’ll feel more confident as a prepper!

If you have more money than time, paid courses are the way.

I still recommend new learners start with our introductory course. Here’s my Free ‘How To Start Prepping” video

System #2 – Your Supplies System

This is your supplies acquisition system and strategy.

Surely you’ve heard the saying: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

I can confirm this is very true.

Once you’ve gathered the essential supplies…

Ensuring your preparedness is as easy as following our checklist.

Whether it’s basic supplies or advanced gear, it doesn’t matter.

In my prepping journey, 80% of my confidence comes from having the right supplies.

Now, I’ve got my free supplies checklist on YouTube here.


It can be very difficult to start gathering supplies if you’ve never done it before.

There are so many people who have small kits that could be much more effective if they simply followed a better plan.

But what do you need?

This is where our beginner’s checklist comes in very handy.

Using a “check off” style you are able to start gathering supplies that can ensure your preparedness while you get comfortable with the process.

Gathering supplies is the million-dollar skill.

System #3 – Support System

The simplest option here is to join our community.

Our community forum allows you to connect with others and you’ll get a wealth of knowledge and support you generate. Once your involvement grows and you’ve got enough connections, you can upgrade to more advanced groups and often you’ll get even more personalized advice for the same effort.

Additionally, you can get support through our workshops and webinars.

Simply find the sessions that your audience is interested in and join our scheduled events.

You get a unique opportunity to ask questions and get answers that track the progress you send.

You earn confidence for all the support you receive.

The tech is simple.

I go into more detail in my community engagement crash course (which is free), here.

Generally, you want to have consistent interaction with our community before reaching out for personal advice.

It’s important to take time to participate and actually engage with others before you start to engage with the community leaders.

You want to be seen as an active participant…

Not one of the gazillion lurkers who just take without contributing.

If you get good in the community, you can also add valuable insights as an additional stream of confidence.

The best form of support, however, comes when you decide to help others! You earn respect and trust from sharing your knowledge and things like personal stories, advice, or even organizing meetups can be highly rewarding.

This is the path if you’re wanting to grow your network using our community resources.

I lay out my process for community engagement here.

In addition to participating in the community, you gotta engage too!

And engaging is the most important part when it comes to your confidence…

This is why I created the free community engagement guide and template you can get here.

Time To Build

Well, you made it through the KSS approach to becoming a confident prepper…

Well done.

You now have a greater understanding about how prepping works than 95% of people in our world.

The fact that you are reading this means you have the technology and Internet connection required.

The big question…

Are you willing to commit to an audience to be the most helpful person in their world for the next 3 to 5 years?

For most people, this is too big of a commitment…

Many readers are going to dismiss this free blog post and they’ll go hunting for “an easier way”


Those folks will end up wasting their hard-earned money on webinars from the greedy gurus promising some sort of shortcut or easy button method to “preparedness”

The truth?

There is only one way to become prepared that actually works.

If you only watch 1 video on this page, be sure it is this one, here:

Final Call to Action

I promised you the truth.

And there you have it.

Now, go forth…

Commit to your preparedness and take actionable steps. If you need help starting, go here.

If you know your niche and your needs, it’s time to build.

The first step is to sign up for our free introductory course and get your beginner’s checklist.

Then grow your confidence by participating in our community and learning from others. The process for becoming prepared is simple.

The real challenge is persevering through the learning curve and the ‘sucking at it’ phase long enough to have a library of knowledge and supplies that ensure your safety.

To do this, you need to be a master of the craft… Executing relentlessly with the intention to improve with every step you take.

This is a mindset game…

And, to help you win at the mindset game, check out this podcast episode, next:

Mark “The Most Helpful Prepper” Goering