7 Surprising Emergency Kit For Home Items You Must Have

When it comes to emergency preparedness, having a well-stocked emergency food kit is absolutely essential.

You never know when a natural disaster or unforeseen circumstance may strike, leaving you without access to food and supplies.

In this post, I will share with you the seven most important items you must have in your emergency food kit.

Key Takeaways:

  • An emergency food kit is crucial for ensuring your family’s safety and survival during emergencies.
  • Include bottled water, canned food, grains, pantry staples, high energy foods, pet food, specialty foods, a first aid kit, and other essential items.
  • Consider any dietary restrictions or special needs when selecting food items for your emergency kit.
  • An emergency food kit should also include a first aid kit, medical supplies, and basic tools.
  • Being prepared is the key to staying safe and secure in any emergency situation.

With these essential items, you can ensure that you and your loved ones are well-prepared for any emergency situation that may arise.

So, let’s dive in and discover the must-haves for your emergency food kit.

#1—Bottled Water

In times of emergency, having a sufficient supply of clean drinking water is crucial.

Experts recommend including bottled water in your emergency food kit to ensure you have enough for hydration and personal hygiene.

It is recommended to have at least one gallon of water per person, per day. This will provide enough water for drinking, cooking, and basic cleanliness.

Bottled water is a convenient option as it has a long shelf life and is easily portable.

Look for water bottles that are specifically labeled for emergency use, as they are designed to withstand extreme conditions and have a longer expiration date. If you prefer to store tap water, ensure it is properly treated and stored in food-grade containers.

Remember to regularly check the expiration dates and rotate your water supply to maintain its freshness.

Having an ample supply of bottled water in your emergency food kit will give you peace of mind, knowing that you and your family have access to safe drinking water during times of crisis.

Benefits of Bottled Water in Emergency Food Kits
Ensures access to clean drinking water during emergencies
Convenient and easily portable
Long shelf life and extended expiration dates
Designed to withstand extreme conditions
Allows for proper hydration and personal hygiene

#2—Canned Food

One of the essential items to include in your emergency food kit is canned food.

Canned food is a reliable option as it has a long shelf life and does not require refrigeration.

Stock up on a variety of canned goods, including vegetables, beans, spaghetti sauce, hearty soups, and canned meats such as poultry.

These items provide essential nutrients and can be easily prepared during emergencies.

In addition to canned vegetables and meats, consider including canned juices and powdered milk in your emergency food kit.

These items can provide hydration and essential vitamins without the need for refrigeration. Make sure to rotate your canned food supply regularly to ensure freshness and avoid any expired products in your emergency kit.

Here’s a table summarizing the different canned food options you should consider for your emergency food kit:

Types of Canned FoodBenefits
Canned VegetablesProvides essential nutrients and can be easily prepared during emergencies.
Canned MeatsExcellent source of protein and can be used in various recipes.
Canned SoupsProvides warmth and comfort during emergencies.
Canned JuicesHydrating and a good source of essential vitamins.
Powdered MilkDoes not require refrigeration and can be used for various purposes.

By including a variety of canned food options in your emergency food kit, you can ensure that you have enough sustenance to withstand any unforeseen circumstances.


When it comes to building your emergency food kit, grains are an essential component to consider.

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Not only are they versatile, but they also have a long shelf life, making them perfect for storing in case of emergencies.

Pasta is a great option to include in your kit. It is easy to cook and can be used to create a variety of meals.

Whether you prefer spaghetti, macaroni, or penne, having a stock of pasta can provide you with a comforting and filling meal during challenging times.

Rice is another staple grain that should be on your emergency food checklist. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used as a base for stir-fries, casseroles, or even as a side dish.

Additionally, rice can provide essential carbohydrates to keep you energized in emergency situations.

Don’t forget to include a selection of breakfast cereals in your food kit.

They can serve as a quick and easy meal option to start your day during emergencies.

Look for cereals that have a good balance of nutrients and offer a long shelf life to ensure their freshness when you need them the most.

By stocking up on these emergency grains, you can ensure that you have a variety of meal options available during any unforeseen circumstances.

Remember to check expiration dates regularly and rotate your supplies to maintain freshness.

PastaVersatile and easy to cook
RiceA versatile ingredient with ample carbohydrates
Breakfast cerealsQuick and easy meal option

#4—Pantry Staples

When assembling your emergency food kit, it’s important to include pantry staples that will help you create nutritious and flavorful meals.

These items are essential for everyday cooking and can provide a sense of normalcy during emergencies. Here are some must-have pantry staples:

  • Instant coffee: Stock up on instant coffee to help you stay alert and focused during challenging times. It’s a quick and convenient way to get a caffeine boost when needed.
  • Salt and pepper: These basic seasonings can enhance the flavor of any dish. Don’t forget to include them in your emergency food kit to add taste to your meals.
  • Baking essentials: Sugar, flour, baking powder, and other baking essentials are versatile ingredients that can be used to make bread, biscuits, pancakes, and other baked goods. They provide comfort and sustenance during uncertain times.
  • Cooking oil: Having cooking oil, such as vegetable or olive oil, on hand is essential for sautéing, frying, and other cooking methods. It adds flavor and helps prevent food from sticking to the pan.

By including these pantry staples in your emergency food kit, you can ensure that you have the necessary ingredients to prepare a variety of meals that will keep you nourished and satisfied.

Emergency Pantry Staples

Instant coffee2 jars
Salt1 container
Pepper1 container
Sugar4 pounds
Flour10 pounds
Baking powder2 containers
Cooking oil2 bottles

#5—High Energy Foods

In times of emergency, it is crucial to have high-energy foods in your emergency food kit to keep you fueled and energized.

These foods provide essential nutrients and calories to sustain you during challenging situations.

Here are some must-have high-energy foods for your emergency food kit:

Granola Bars

Granola bars are a convenient and portable snack that provides a quick boost of energy.

They are packed with oats, nuts, and dried fruits, making them a nutritious and delicious option to keep you going during emergencies.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a versatile and nutrient-dense food item that is rich in protein and healthy fats.

It can be spread on crackers or bread, added to granola bars for extra flavor, or simply eaten by the spoonful.

Peanut butter is a great source of energy and can help satisfy hunger in times of need.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a lightweight and long-lasting option for your emergency food kit.

It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing a quick source of energy.

Dried fruits like raisins, apricots, and cranberries are excellent choices that can be enjoyed on their own or added to trail mix for a tasty and nutritious snack.

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Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is a protein-rich food that can be stored for long periods without refrigeration.

It is an excellent source of energy and can keep you feeling satisfied.

Choose lean beef jerky options with minimal additives for a healthier choice.

High-Energy FoodsBenefits
Granola BarsConvenient and portable
Peanut ButterSource of protein and healthy fats
Dried FruitLightweight and long-lasting
Beef JerkyProtein-rich and no refrigeration needed

#6—Pet Food

When preparing your emergency food kit, it is essential to consider the needs of your furry friends.

Pets rely on us for their well-being, and including food and water for them is just as important as stocking up for ourselves.

In times of emergency, you want to ensure that your pets are well-fed and cared for.

Emergency Pet Food: Key Considerations

When selecting pet food for your emergency kit, it’s crucial to choose options that are nutritionally balanced and have a long shelf life.

Dry pet food is an excellent choice as it is lightweight, compact, and can last for an extended period without refrigeration.

Consider the specific dietary needs of your pets.

If they have any allergies or require a special diet, ensure that you have suitable food options available. It is also essential to pack food in individual, airtight containers to maintain freshness and prevent contamination.

Pet Supplies for Emergencies

In addition to food, don’t forget to include other essential pet supplies in your emergency kit. These may include:

  • Water bowls
  • Leashes or harnesses
  • Collars with identification tags
  • Medications and any necessary prescriptions
  • Comfort items like blankets or toys

By having these supplies readily available, you can provide comfort and care for your pets during stressful situations.

#7—Specialty Foods

When it comes to preparing your emergency food kit, it’s important to consider any special dietary or nutritional needs of your family members.

Whether you have dietary restrictions, seniors in your household, or infants who require special formula, including the right specialty foods in your kit is essential.

By doing so, you can ensure that everyone’s needs are met during an emergency situation.

Specialty Foods for Dietary Restrictions

If you or someone in your family has specific dietary restrictions, it’s crucial to include foods that cater to those needs in your emergency kit.

Look for options that are gluten-free, dairy-free, or suitable for individuals with allergies. This way, you can rest assured knowing that everyone will have access to safe and suitable food options, even in challenging circumstances.

Vitamins for Seniors

For seniors, it’s important to consider their nutritional needs and include appropriate supplements in your emergency food kit.

Adding a supply of vitamins specifically formulated for seniors can help ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for their overall health and well-being.

Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best options for your loved ones.

Baby Formula and Essentials

If you have infants or young children, it’s crucial to include an ample supply of baby formula in your emergency food kit.

Additionally, pack other necessary baby essentials such as diapers, wipes, and baby food pouches.

Make sure to regularly check the expiration dates and rotate these items to ensure their freshness.

By including specialty foods that cater to dietary restrictions, vitamins for seniors, and baby formula for infants, you can ensure that everyone’s nutritional needs are met during an emergency.

Being prepared with these essentials will provide peace of mind and help your family stay nourished and healthy throughout any unexpected situation.

Specialty FoodsSpecial Considerations
Gluten-Free OptionsDehydrated fruits and vegetables, gluten-free crackers, rice cakes, and quinoa.
Dairy-Free OptionsLactose-free milk alternatives, canned fish or meats, nuts, and seeds.
Allergy-Friendly OptionsPeanut-free granola bars, soy-free protein snacks, and nut-free trail mix.
Vitamins for SeniorsMultivitamins with essential nutrients for older adults, such as vitamin D, calcium, and B vitamins.
Baby Formula EssentialsInfant formula, baby food pouches, diapers, wipes, and baby snacks.

Bonus—First Aid Kit

In times of emergency, having a well-equipped first aid kit is essential for providing immediate medical care.

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Your first aid kit should be stocked with the necessary medical supplies to treat injuries and illnesses.

Here are the essential items that should be included:


  • Adhesive bandages in various sizes
  • Gauze pads and rolls
  • Triangular bandages
  • Elastic bandages


  • Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen
  • Antibiotic ointment for preventing infections
  • Antihistamines for allergic reactions
  • Antiseptic solution for cleaning wounds

Medical Supplies

  • Tweezers for removing splinters or foreign objects
  • Scissors for cutting tape and clothing
  • Thermometer for monitoring body temperature
  • Gloves and face masks for personal protection

Remember to regularly check the expiration dates of your first aid supplies and replace them as needed.

It’s also important to familiarize yourself and your family with basic first aid techniques and procedures.

Having a well-prepared first aid kit can make a significant difference in emergency situations, providing you with the necessary tools to tend to injuries and promote healing.

Adhesive bandagesAssorted sizes
Gauze padsVarious sizes
Gauze rolls2-3 rolls
Triangular bandages2-3 bandages
Elastic bandages2-3 bandages
Pain relievers1 bottle
Antibiotic ointment1 tube
Antihistamines1 box
Antiseptic solution1 bottle
Tweezers1 pair
Scissors1 pair
Thermometer1 thermometer
Gloves1 box
Face masks1 box

Other Essential Items for Your Emergency Kit

When preparing your emergency food kit, it’s important to consider other essential items that will help you stay safe and prepared during emergencies.

These items can provide you with power, communication, and essential tools that may be necessary in emergency situations.

Power Cells and Generators

In a power outage or emergency situation, having a reliable source of power can be crucial.

Power cells or portable generators can provide you with the electricity you need to charge your devices, power essential appliances, or run medical equipment.

Make sure to have extra batteries or portable generators in your emergency kit to ensure you have enough power to meet your needs.


During an emergency, staying informed about the situation is vital.

A portable radio with battery or crank-operated capabilities can provide you with access to important news updates and emergency broadcasts.

This will help you stay updated on evacuation notices, weather alerts, and other crucial information when other communication channels may be unavailable.


Having basic tools in your emergency kit can help you with repairs, building shelters, or other necessary tasks during emergencies.

Consider including items such as a multi-tool, a wrench, pliers, a hammer, duct tape, and a utility knife.

These tools can be invaluable in a variety of emergency situations and can help you adapt and respond effectively.

By including these other essential items in your emergency kit, you can be better prepared for a wide range of emergency situations.

Remember to regularly check and replace batteries, ensure your tools are in good working condition, and familiarize yourself with the proper use of each item.

Being well-prepared will help you and your loved ones navigate emergencies with greater confidence and safety.



In conclusion, it is of utmost importance to prioritize emergency preparedness and ensure that you have the necessary survival kit essentials for your home.

By following this guide and including the seven essential items mentioned, you can be confident in your ability to face any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

Remember, home safety starts with being prepared.

Having an emergency food kit that includes bottled water, canned food, grains, pantry staples, high energy foods, pet food, and specialty foods will go a long way in ensuring the well-being of you and your loved ones during times of crisis.

Emergency preparedness is not something to be taken lightly. It is our responsibility to prioritize the safety and survival of our family.

By taking the time and effort to gather the necessary supplies, including a well-stocked emergency food kit, we can face any emergency situation with confidence and peace of mind. Stay safe and be prepared!


How much bottled water should I include in my emergency food kit?

It is recommended to have at least one gallon of water per person, per day to ensure hydration and personal hygiene during emergencies.

What types of canned food should I stock up on for my emergency food kit?

It is best to include a variety of canned vegetables, beans, spaghetti sauce, hearty soups, poultry, and other non-perishable canned meats. Canned juices and powdered milk are also beneficial.

What grains should I include in my emergency food kit?

Include pastas, whole grain rice, and healthy breakfast cereals that have a long shelf life and are filling.

What pantry staples are essential for my emergency food kit?

Instant coffee, tea bags, salt, pepper, baking essentials (sugar, flour, baking powder, etc.), and cooking oil are essential for everyday cooking.

What high energy foods should I pack in my emergency food kit?

Pack foods like granola bars, peanut butter, nuts, dried fruit, beef jerky, chocolate, and hard candies for a quick and energizing boost.

Should I include food and water for my pets in my emergency food kit?

Yes, make sure you have enough dry food and treats to keep your pets well-fed during emergencies.

How do I consider any special dietary or nutritional needs when preparing my emergency food kit?

Consider any special dietary or nutritional needs of your family members. This may include vitamins for seniors or formula for babies.

What medical supplies should I include in my emergency kit?

Stock up on bandages, dressings, over-the-counter painkillers, prescription medications, and other medical supplies to treat injuries and illnesses.

What other essential items should I include in my emergency kit?

Consider including power cells or generators for backup electricity, a radio for communication, and basic tools for emergencies or repairs.

Remember to be well-prepared for emergencies, and ensure the safety and survival of your family.

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